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Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 47(4): 175-189, 20240131.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537771


Esta é uma revisão integrativa que busca compreender os fatores associados à propagação e controle de mpox, seguindo as recomendações estabelecidas pela declaração Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. A consulta foi feita nas bases de dados PubMed, Lilacs e Cochrane Library. Foram selecionados quinze artigos, com amostra majoritária de homens que fazem sexo sem proteção com homens e homens que viajaram para locais com surto da doença ou tiveram contato com pessoas infectadas. Os principais fatores associados à infecção e à propagação da doença foram históricos de viagem, sexo desprotegido, ingestão de carne possivelmente contaminada, aglomerados e contato próximo com pessoa sintomática. Quanto aos fatores relacionados à prevenção, estão principalmente associados à triagem de casos suspeitos, hábitos de higiene pessoal, uso de equipamentos de proteção individual e isolamento do doente.

This integrative review examines the factors associated with mpox spread and control, following the recommendations established by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Bibliographic search was conducted on the PubMed, Lilacs and Cochrane Library databases. The final sample included 15 articles, mostly composed of men who have unprotected sex with men and men who traveled to places with a mpox outbreak or had contact with infected people. Travel history, unprotected sex, eating potentially contaminated meat, crowding and close contact with a symptomatic person were the main factors associated with mpox infection and spread. Prevention is mainly associated with the screening of suspected cases, personal hygiene habits, use of personal protective equipment and patient isolation.

Este estudio realiza una revisión integradora para comprender los factores asociados con la propagación y el control de la viruela del mono, siguiendo las recomendaciones establecidas por Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Se consultaron las bases de datos PubMed, Lilacs y Cochrane Library. Se seleccionaron quince artículos, con una muestra mayoritaria de hombres que tienen sexo con hombres sin protección y hombres que viajaron a lugares con brote de la enfermedad o que tuvieron contacto con personas infectadas. Los principales factores asociados con la infección y la propagación de la enfermedad fueron el historial de viajes, las relaciones sexuales sin protección, el consumo de carne potencialmente contaminada, el hacinamiento y el contacto cercano con una persona sintomática. Los factores relacionados con la prevención están asociados principalmente con el tamizaje de casos sospechosos, los hábitos de higiene personal, el uso de equipos de protección personal y el aislamiento del paciente.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535309


ABSTRACT Bartonella spp. are bacteria responsible for neglected diseases worldwide. Bartonella henselae is the species most associated with human infections. It is associated with a large spectrum of clinical manifestations and is potentially fatal. The identification of Bartonella spp. is considered a challenge in clinical routine. These bacteria are fastidious, and the time required to isolate them varies from one to six weeks. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry has emerged as an application for research on Bartonella spp. , and has still been little explored. We investigated whether three different B. henselae strains with different growth times—14 and 28 days—could be correctly identified by MALDI-TOF mass spectra fingerprint comparison and matching. We found that the spectra from strains with different growth times do not match each other, leading to misidentification. We suggest creating database entries with multiple spectra from strains with different growth times to increase the chances of accurate identification of Bartonella spp. by MALD-TOF MS.

Saúde Soc ; 33(1): e230102pt, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536864


Resumo Num cenário epidêmico ainda preocupante, a prevenção da Transmissão Vertical (TV) do HIV impõe problemas complexos, devido as vulnerabilidades individual, social e moral das mulheres vivendo com o vírus, somadas às fragilidades da rede de saúde. A partir de um caso emblemático, este estudo buscou compreender os desafios bioéticos do cuidado para a prevenção da TV do HIV no âmbito do Comitê de Porto Alegre/RS. Os eixos analíticos desenvolvidos refletem sobre como a produção do cuidado se articula, por um lado, com discursos e práticas relacionais pautadas no gênero e interseccionadas por raça e classe social e, por outro, com vulnerabilidades programáticas das políticas de saúde. Vislumbrou-se um processo de extrema estigmatização, em que as poucas ofertas para as mulheres cisgênero se dirigiam à regulação reprodutiva e perpetuavam dinâmicas de violência estrutural. Discute-se caminhos para a construção de um cuidado que incorpore a perspectiva decolonial e busque produzir equidade e justiça social ao reconhecer as trajetórias das mulheres.

Abstract In a still worrying epidemic scenario, the prevention of Vertical Transmission (VT) of HIV poses complex problems, due to the individual, social, and moral vulnerabilities of women living with the virus, in addition to the weaknesses of the health network. Based on an emblematic case, this study sought to understand the bioethical challenges of HIV VT prevention in the scope of the Porto Alegre/RS Committee. The analytical categories developed reflect on how the production of care is articulated, on the one hand, with relational discourses and practices based on gender and intersected by race and social class and, on the other, with programmatic vulnerabilities of health policies. A process of extreme stigmatization was revealed, in which the few offers for cisgender women were aimed toward reproductive regulation and perpetuated dynamics of structural violence. We discuss ways of building care that incorporates a decolonial perspective and seeks to produce equity and social justice by recognizing women's trajectories.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE01901, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1519820


Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a estrutura e o fluxo assistencial do acolhimento - classificação de risco e emergência obstétrica em uma maternidade pública no contexto da COVID-19. Métodos Estudo do tipo avaliação normativa e observacional nos setores de Acolhimento (Classificação de Risco e Emergência Obstétrica) de uma maternidade pública no Rio de Janeiro. A coleta de dados foi realizada de junho a agosto de 2020 por 480 horas de observação direta não participante, com registros sistematizados em checklist contendo variáveis relacionadas à disponibilidade e conformidade dos recursos estruturais, e à conformidade do fluxo assistencial. Os dados foram organizados em planilhas (Microsoft Excel® 2010) e analisados usando a estatística descritiva. Resultados A avaliação da estrutura obteve 80,3% de disponibilidade, resultando em classificação de alta disponibilidade e 91,1% de conformidade, obtendo conformidade adequada. O fluxo assistencial mostrou 72,7% de conformidade total; 9,1% de conformidade parcial e 18,2% de não cumprimento, configurando-se como alta conformidade. Conclusão A avaliação normativa indicou altas disponibilidade e conformidade em estrutura e fluxo assistencial nos cenários estudados.

Resumen Objetivo Evaluar la estructura y el flujo de asistencia de recepción, clasificación de riesgo y emergencia obstétrica, en una maternidad pública en el contexto del COVID-19. Métodos Estudio tipo evaluación normativa y observacional en los sectores de Recepción (clasificación de riesgo y emergencia obstétrica) de una maternidad pública en Rio de Janeiro. La recopilación de datos se realizó de junio a agosto de 2020 durante 480 de observación directa no participante, con registros sistematizados en una checklist con variables relacionadas con la disponibilidad y conformidad de los recursos estructurales y con la conformidad del flujo de asistencia. Los datos se organizaron en planillas (Microsoft Excel® 2010) y se analizaron usando la estadística descriptiva. Resultados La evaluación de la estructura obtuvo un 80,3 % de disponibilidad, que tuvo como resultado una clasificación de alta disponibilidad, y un 91,1 % de conformidad, con una conformidad adecuada. El flujo de asistencia mostró un 72,7 % de conformidad total, un 9,1 % de conformidad parcial y un 18,2 % de no cumplimiento, lo que se configura como alta conformidad. Conclusión La evaluación normativa indicó alta disponibilidad y alta conformidad en estructura y flujo de asistencia en los escenarios estudiados.

Abstract Objective Evaluate the structure and care flow - risk classification and obstetric emergency in a public maternity hospital in the context of COVID-19. Methods Normative and observational evaluation study in the Care sectors (Risk Classification and Obstetric Emergency) of a public maternity hospital in Rio de Janeiro. Data collection was carried out from June to August 2020 for 480 hours of non-participant direct observation, with records systematized in a checklist containing variables related to the availability and compliance of structural resources, and the compliance of the care flow. Data were organized into spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel® 2010) and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results The framework assessment scored 80.3% availability, resulting in a high availability rating, and 91.1% compliance, achieving adequate compliance. The care flow showed 72.7% of total compliance; 9.1% of partial compliance and 18.2% of non-compliance, configuring high compliance. Conclusion Normative evaluation indicated high availability and compliance in structure and care flow in the studied scenarios.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(3): e2022, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520218


ABSTRACT A 7-week-old male delivered by cesarean section presented with a positive serology for dengue along with preretinal and retinal hemorrhages, vitreous opacities and cotton wool spots. The patient and his mother had positive serologies for Non Structural Protein 1 (NS1) by ELISA. Retinal and vitreous findings improved over a sixteen-week period. Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) showed preserved macular architecture. In this case report, we suggest that retinal and vitreous changes may be the ocular presenting features of vertically transmitted dengue in newborns, and that those findings may resolve with no major structural sequelae.

RESUMO Neonato de 7 semanas, do sexo masculino, nascido de parto cesárea, apresentou sorologia positiva para dengue com hemorragias retinianas e pré-retinianas, opacidades vítreas e manchas algodonosas. O paciente e sua mãe haviam apresentado sorologias positivas para Non Structural Protein 1 através de ELISA. Achados na retina e no vítreo melhoraram em um período de dezesseis semanas. O exame de tomografia de coerência óptica de domínio espectral demonstrou arquitetura macular preservada. Neste relato de caso, sugerimos que alterações na retina e no vítreo podem ser os achados oculares aparentes em neonatos com infecção vertical por dengue, e que estes podem se resolver sem maiores sequelas estruturais.

Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1531825


Objetivo: identificar o conhecimento de gestantes e puérperas acerca da sífilis. Método: pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de instrumento semiestruturado, entre abril a julho de 2021, com 18 gestantes/puérperas com diagnóstico de sífilis na gestação. As respostas foram gravadas e transcritas na íntegra, sendo utilizado para análise a técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Resultados: identificou-se três ideias centrais: 1) Conhecimento sobre a sífilis, 2) Buscando conhecimento sobre a sífilis e 3) Falsa prevenção. O conhecimento das participantes mostrou-se conflitante, pois algumas apresentaram algum conhecimento e outras nenhum, sendo que todas deveriam ter sido orientadas sobre a doença. Considerações finais: identificou-se uma falha no atendimento ofertado nos serviços de saúde. Assim, estratégias voltadas à educação em saúde devem ser incentivadas e implementadas no acompanhamento de pré-natal, ofertando a promoção e prevenção da saúde, a fim de reduzir os casos de sífilis na gestação.

Objective: to identify the knowledge of pregnant and postpartum women about syphilis. Method: descriptive research, with a qualitative approach. Data collection took place using a semi-structured instrument, between April and July 2021, with 18 pregnant/postpartum women diagnosed with syphilis during pregnancy. The responses were recorded and transcribed in full, using the Collective Subject Discourse technique for analysis. Results: three central ideas were identified: 1) Knowledge about syphilis, 2) Seeking knowledge about syphilis and 3) False prevention. The knowledge of the participants was conflicting, as some had some knowledge and others none, and all of them should have been educated about the disease. Final considerations: a flaw in the care offered in health services was identified. Therefore, strategies aimed at health education should be encouraged and implemented in prenatal care, offering health promotion and prevention, in order to reduce cases of syphilis during pregnancy.

Objetivos:identificar el conocimiento de las mujeres embarazadas y puérperas sobre la sífilis. Método: investigación descriptiva, con enfoque cualitativo. La recolección de datos se realizó mediante un instrumento semiestructurado, entre abril y julio de 2021, con 18 mujeres embarazadas/puérperas diagnosticadas con sífilis durante el embarazo. Las respuestas fueron grabadas y transcritas en su totalidad, utilizando para su análisis la técnica del Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo. Resultados: se identificaron tres ideas centrales: 1) Conocimiento sobre sífilis, 2) Búsqueda de conocimiento sobre sífilis y 3) Falsa prevención. El conocimiento de los participantes fue contradictorio, ya que algunos tenían algún conocimiento y otros ninguno, y todos deberían haber sido educados sobre la enfermedad. Consideraciones finales: se identificó una falla en la atención ofrecida en los servicios de salud. Por lo tanto, se deben fomentar e implementar estrategias orientadas a la educación en salud en la atención prenatal, ofreciendo promoción y prevención de la salud, con el fin de reducir los casos de sífilis durante el embarazo.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Syphilis/prevention & control , Pregnant Women/education , Prenatal Education , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/prevention & control , Qualitative Research
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 100(1): 100-107, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528953


Abstract Objective To evaluate the efficiency of the sepsis risk calculator and the serial clinical observation in the management of late preterm and term newborns with infectious risk factors. Method Single-center, observational, two-phase cohort study comparing the rates of neonates born ≥35 weeks' gestation, ≥2000 g birthweight, and without major congenital anomalies, who were screened and/or received antibiotics for early-onset neonatal sepsis risk at our center during two periods, before (January/2018-June/2019) and after (July/2019-December/2020) the implementation of the sepsis risk calculator. Results A total of 1796 (Period 1) and 1867 (Period 2) patients with infectious risk factors were included. During the second period, tests to rule out sepsis were reduced by 34.0 % (RR, 95 %CI): 0.66 (0.61, 0.71), blood cultures by 13.1 %: 0.87 (0.77, 0.98), hospital admissions by 13.5 %: 0.86 (0.76, 0.98) and antibiotic administration by 45.9 %: 0.54 (0.47, 0.63). Three cases of early-onset neonatal sepsis occurred in the first period and two in the second. Clinical serial evaluation would have detected all true cases. Conclusions The implementation of a sepsis risk calculator in the management of newborns ≥35 weeks GA, ≥2000 g birthweight, without major congenital anomalies, with infectious risk factors is safe and adequate to reduce laboratory tests, blood cultures, hospital admissions, and antibiotics administration. Serial clinical observation, in addition, could be instrumental to achieve or even improve this goal.

Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(5)oct. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521861


Introducción: Las infecciones bacterianas en trasplante hepático (TH) son una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad. Objetivo: Caracterizar las complicaciones infecciosas bacterianas en el primer mes postrasplante. Pacientes y Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo entre los años 2009-2020. Resultados: 225 pacientes recibieron un TH. 80 (35,5%) desarrollaron al menos un episodio de infección bacteriana en el primer mes postrasplante hepático. Hubo 105 episodios de infección bacteriana con una incidencia de 46,6%. El foco más frecuente fue el abdominal (48,6%) y el microorganismo predominante fue Klebsiella spp. De los 104 aislamientos, el 57,6% presentaron un perfil MDR/XDR. Los pacientes que desarrollaron una complicación infecciosa presentaron menor sobrevida al alta hospitalaria en comparación con los que no la presentaron 87,5 versus 94,5% [OR 4,18 (IC 95%: 1,5-11,6)]. En el análisis multivariado la reintervención quirúrgica precoz [OR 4,286 (IC 95%: 1,911-9,61)], mostró un riesgo significativo de desarrollar una complicación infecciosa bacteriana en el primer mes postrasplante. Conclusiones: Tres de cada 10 pacientes presentaron una infección bacteriana en el primer mes postrasplante con una alta incidencia de bacilos gramnegativos MDR/XDR. Los pacientes que desarrollaron una complicación infecciosa presentaron una menor sobrevida al alta. La reintervención quirúrgica precoz se identificó como un factor predisponente de infección temprana.

Background: Bacterial infections are one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in liver transplant recipients (LT). Aim: To characterize bacterial infectious complications in the first month an after a liver transplant. Methods: Retrospective analysis of a cohort of liver transplant recipients who presented at least one bacterial infectious complication in the first month after transplant between 2009 and 2020. Results: 225 patients were analyzed. 80 (35.5%) had a least one documented bacterial infection during the first month after transplant. 105 bacterial infections were documented, with an incidence of 46.6%. The most frequent origin was intra-abdominal (48.6%) and the predominant isolated microorganism was Klebsiella spp. Among 104 isolated microorganisms 57.6% showed MDR/XDR profile. Patients who developed a bacterial infectious complication had a shorter overall survival (OS) after discharge from hospital (87.5% vs 94.5%) [OR 4.18 (IC 95%: 1.5-11,6)]. When multivariate analysis of predisposing factors was performed early surgical reoperation was the only variable associated with an increased risk of developing a bacterial complication in the first month [OR 4.286 (IC 95%: 1.911-9.61)]. Conclusions: Three out of 10 patients developed a bacterial infectious complication during the first month after liver transplant with a high incidence of gram-negative bacillus MDR/XDR. Patients who presented infectious complications had a shorter OS after discharge, and early reoperation was identified as a predisposing factor of early infectious complications.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Sep; 71(9): 3171-3177
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225257


Purpose: This study aimed to review the demographics, clinical characteristics, and long?term outcomes of therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty (TPK) performed in a tertiary eye care hospital. Methods: Case records of 149 therapeutic transplants (135 patients) that were performed during the calendar year 2016 were retrospectively analyzed, and outcomes were measured until 3 years of follow?up. Information on demographics, presentation characteristics, keratoplasty indications, offending microbe, and secondary surgical interventions was studied. The final outcome was classified in terms of therapeutic, anatomical, and functional outcomes. Results: The median age of the recipients was 55 years with 61% men. The most common indications for TPK were perforated infectious ulcer (45.9%), nonhealing ulcers (29.9%), and graft infections (17.4%). Fungal etiology was noted in 61.2% and bacterial etiology in 17.4% of the eyes. Therapeutic success was achieved in 130 eyes (89%) at the end of 1 month. Anatomical success was achieved in 130 (98.5%) and 88 patients (86.3%) at the end of 1 and 6 months, respectively. At the 6?month time point, 78 patients (76.5%) attained functional success with vision better than light perception. Three?year follow?up data were available for 23.7% of recipients, of which only 12 patients (37.5%) retained a clear graft either after a primary therapeutic or secondary optical keratoplasty. Conclusion: Therapeutic keratoplasty is highly effective in eradicating infection and providing anatomical integrity. However, timely intervention can aid in achieving the best functional outcome.

Rev. Ciênc. Saúde ; 13(2): 3-10, Junho 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444162


Mpoxou Varíola M é uma zoonose causada por vírus do gênero Orthopoxvirus, causadores também da varíola comum. É uma doença considerada rara e autolimitada, sendo endêmica em países africanos. Entretanto, no ano de 2022 ganhou destaque devido ao surto global que se iniciou, quando o mundo ainda se recuperava da pandemia da COVID-19. Dessa forma, por se tratar de uma doença emergente, a presente revisão visa pontuar aspectos gerais do que se sabe até o momento sobre a Mpox, desde sua imunopatogenia até as formas atuais de prevenção e cuidados pós-infecção

Mpox or Variola M is a zoonosis caused by viruses of the genus Orthopoxvirus, which also cause smallpox. It is a disease considered rare and self-limiting, being endemic in African countries. However, in 2022, it gained prominence due to the global outbreak that began when the world was still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, as it is an emerging disease, this review aims to point out general aspects of what is known so far about Mpox, from its immunopathogenesis to current forms of prevention and post-infection care

Humans , Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome , Monkeypox , Viruses , Wounds and Injuries/virology , Smallpox , Delivery of Health Care
Rev. méd. Urug ; 39(3)sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508732


Introducción: las infecciones virales durante el embarazo pueden provocar complicaciones maternas y fetales. Es importante describir las repercusiones maternas y fetales de la enfermedad COVID-19. Objetivos: describir y analizar las características de las pacientes que presentaron infección a SARS-CoV-2 durante la gestación y los resultados maternos y fetales. Material y método: se realizó un estudio de casos y controles. Se incluyeron todas las pacientes embarazadas que presentaron infección por SARS-CoV-2 y que fueran hospitalizadas en una institución de asistencia privada (casos) en el período 1/3/2021 - 31/7/2021. Los controles se tomaron de pacientes embarazadas que estuvieran ingresadas en igual período de tiempo pero que resultaron negativas para las pruebas de SARS-CoV-2. Se incluyeron dos controles por cada caso. Las variables maternas consideradas fueron: trabajo de parto prematuro, diabetes gestacional, estado hipertensivo del embarazo, preeclampsia (severa o no severa), muerte fetal, restricción del crecimiento fetal, abruptio placentae. Las variables neonatales consideradas fueron: estado vital, peso del recién nacido (RN), Apgar al minuto y a los cinco minutos, necesidad de ingreso a una unidad especializada en cuidados neonatales y días de estadía. Se registraron las pruebas para COVID-19 y la condición del RN al alta. Resultados: las características demográficas maternas fueron comparables en ambos grupos. Se observaron 21 (55%) complicaciones obstétricas en el grupo casos y 117 (44,7%) en el grupo controles; OR = 4,2 (IC 95%: 1,9-9,7). Se identificaron 12 (30,8%) complicaciones neonatales en el grupo casos y 3 (3,8%) en el grupo control; OR = 11,2 (IC 95%: 2,9-42,9). El grupo casos estuvo asociado con una menor probabilidad de estar vacunados; OR = 0,3 (IC 95%: 0,13-0,75). Conclusiones: reportamos un riesgo aumentado de resultados maternos y neonatales adversos relacionados con la infección por el virus SARS-CoV-2. La vacunación confirma ser una herramienta valiosa contra esta infección viral.

Introduction: Viral infections during pregnancy can lead to maternal and fetal complications. It is important to describe the maternal and fetal implications of COVID-19 disease. Objetives: To describe and analyze the characteristics of patients who experienced SARS-CoV-2 infection during gestation, and maternal and fetal outcomes. Method: A case-control study was conducted. All pregnant patients who presented SARS-CoV-2 infection and were hospitalized in a private healthcare institution (cases) during the period 1/03/2021 - 31/07/2021 were included in the study. Controls were selected from pregnant patients who were admitted during the same time but tested negative for SARS-CoV-2. Two controls were included for each case. The maternal variables considered were preterm labor, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, (severe or non-severe) preeclampsia, fetal death, fetal growth restriction, placental abruption. The neonatal variables considered were vital status, newborn weight, one-minute and five-minute Apgar scores, need for admission to a specialized neonatal care unit, and length of stay in days. COVID-19 tests for the newborn and their condition at discharge were recorded. Results: Maternal demographic characteristics were comparable in both groups. Twenty-one (55%) obstetric complications were observed in the case group, and 117 (44.7%) in the control group; OR= 4.2 (95% CI: 1.9-9.7). Twenty-one (30.8%) neonatal complications were observed in the case group, and 3 (3.8%) in the control group; OR= 11.2 (95% CI: 2.9-42.9). The case group was associated with a lower likelihood of being vaccinated; OR = 0.3 (95% CI: 0.13-0.75). Conclusions: We report an increased risk of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes associated with SARS-CoV-2 virus infection. Vaccination proves to be a valuable tool against this viral infection.

Introdução: as infecções virais durante a gravidez podem causar complicações maternas e fetais. É importante descrever as repercussões maternas e fetais da COVID-19. Objetivos: descrever e analisar as características das pacientes que apresentaram infecção por SARS-CoV-2 durante a gravidez e os desfechos maternos e fetais. Material e métodos: foi realizado um estudo caso-controle. Foram incluídas todas as gestantes que apresentaram infecção por SARS-CoV-2 e que estiveram internadas em instituição privada (casos) no período de 01 de março a 31 de julho de 2021. Os controles foram pacientes grávidas hospitalizadas durante o mesmo período de tempo, mas com teste negativo para SARS-CoV-2. Dois controles foram incluídos para cada caso. As variáveis maternas consideradas foram: trabalho de parto prematuro, diabetes gestacional, estado hipertensivo da gravidez, pré-eclâmpsia (grave ou não grave), óbito fetal, restrição do crescimento fetal, descolamento prematuro da placenta. As variáveis neonatais consideradas foram: estado vital, peso do recém-nascido (RN), Apgar de um e cinco minutos, necessidade de internação em unidade especializada em cuidados neonatais e dias de internação. Os resultados dos testes para COVID-19 e a condição do recém-nascido na alta foram registrados. Resultados: As características demográficas maternas foram comparáveis em ambos os grupos. 21 (55%) complicações obstétricas foram observadas no grupo caso e 117 (44,7%) no grupo controle; OR= 4,2 (IC 95%: 1,9-9,7). 12 (30,8%) complicações neonatais foram identificadas no grupo caso e 3 (3,8%) no grupo controle; OR = 11,2 (IC 95%: 2,9-42,9). O grupo de casos foi associado a uma menor probabilidade de ser vacinado; OR = 0,3 (IC 95%: 0,13-0,75). Conclusões: Relatamos um risco aumentado de resultados maternos e neonatais adversos relacionados à infecção pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2. A vacinação confirma ser uma ferramenta valiosa contra esta infecção viral.

Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 47(2): 53-68, 20230808.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451702


A sífilis persiste como um problema de saúde pública, sobretudo pelos entraves existentes no enfrentamento da sífilis gestacional e congênita. Considerando que a ocorrência dessas infecções se relaciona a fatores maternos e programáticos, este estudo buscou analisar as características epidemiológicas do binômio mãe-filho exposto à sífilis e sua distribuição espacial no Paraná entre 2012 e 2020. Trata-se de estudo descritivo e ecológico, com dados dos sistemas nacionais de informação do Brasil. Foram considerados os casos de gestantes e de crianças registrados entre 2012 e 2020 no estado do Paraná. Foram apresentadas as frequências absolutas e relativas para a caracterização, calculando-se a variação percentual entre o primeiro e o último triênio. Ainda, foi empregado o índice de Moran para a geoespacialização segundo regiões de saúde. Houve predomínio em mulheres de 20 a 39 anos (71,24%), brancas (67,22%) e com até oito anos de estudo (80,76%), com diagnóstico nas fases primária e latente (76,42%). Os casos concentraram-se em crianças do sexo masculino (48,72%), diagnosticadas na fase recente (96,42%), e naquelas cujas mães aderiram ao pré-natal (88,88%), mas os parceiros, por sua vez, não foram tratados (69,46%). Houve aumento do diagnóstico materno durante o pré-natal (16,61%) e redução dos óbitos infantis por sífilis (31,25%). Observou-se concentração das notificações nas regiões Metropolitana e de Pato Branco. Em suma, as gestantes apresentaram idade reprodutiva e baixa escolaridade e foram tratadas durante o pré-natal, contudo, sem a inclusão dos parceiros. Ademais, evidenciou-se comportamento espacial aleatório nas regiões de saúde, com disparidade entre a sífilis gestacional e a congênita.

Syphilis remains as serious public health issue due to existing obstacles in combating gestational and congenital syphilis. Since the onset of these infections is related to maternal and programmatic factors, this study analyzed the epidemiological profile of the mother-child binomial exposed to syphilis and its spatial distribution in Paraná from 2012 to 2020. This is a descriptive, ecological study with data from Brazilian national information systems. Cases of pregnant women and children recorded between 2012 and 2020 in the state of Paraná were considered. Absolute and relative frequencies were estimated for characterization, calculating the percentage variation between the first and last three years. The Moran index was also used for geospacialization according to health regions. Most women were aged 20 to 39 years (71.24%), white (67.22%), and had up to 8 years of schooling (80.76%), with diagnosis in the primary and latent stages (76.42%). Most cases concerned male children (48.72%), diagnosed in the recent phase (96.42%), and from mothers who adhered to prenatal care (88.88%), but the partners were untreated (69.46%). Maternal diagnosis increased during prenatal care (16.61%) and infant deaths by syphilis decreased (31.25%). Most cases were notified in the Metropolitan and Pato Branco regions. In short, the pregnant women were of reproductive age, had low education, and were treated during prenatal care, but their partners were not included. The health regions showed random spatial behavior, with disparity between gestational and congenital syphilis.

La sífilis persiste como un problema de salud pública, principalmente por los obstáculos en hacer frente la sífilis gestacional y congénita. Teniendo en cuenta que la ocurrencia de estas infecciones está relacionada con los factores maternos y programáticos, este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las características epidemiológicas del binomio madre-hijo expuestos a la sífilis y la distribución espacial en Paraná (Brasil) entre 2012 y 2020. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y ecológico, con datos de los sistemas de información nacionales de Brasil. Se consideraron los casos de mujeres embarazadas y niños registrados entre 2012 y 2020 en Paraná. Se presentaron las frecuencias absolutas y relativas, calculando la variación porcentual entre el primer y el último trienio. Asimismo, se utilizó el índice de Moran, según regiones de salud. Predominaron las mujeres de entre 20 y 39 años de edad (71,24%), blancas (67,22%), con hasta ocho años de estudio (80,76%), con diagnóstico en estadio primario y latente (76,42%). Los casos se concentraron en hijos varones (48,72%), diagnosticados en fase reciente (96,42%), y en aquellos cuyas madres tuvieron acceso a los cuidados prenatales (88,88%), pero su pareja no recibió el tratamiento (69,46%). Hubo un aumento en el diagnóstico materno durante la atención prenatal (16,61%) y una reducción en las muertes de niños por sífilis (31,25%). Se observó una concentración de casos en las regiones Metropolitana y de Pato Branco. En resumen, las mujeres embarazadas se encontraban en edad reproductiva, tenían bajo nivel de estudios y eran atendidas durante el prenatal, sin incluir su pareja. Además, se evidenció un comportamiento espacial aleatorio en las regiones de salud, con disparidad entre sífilis gestacional y congénita.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious , Syphilis, Congenital
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Jun; 71(6): 2455-2459
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225121


Purpose: To report on the microbiological profile and antibiotic sensitivity patterns of infectious keratitis at a tertiary center in central India. Methods: The suspected case of severe keratitis underwent microbiological culture and identification using the VITEK 2 technique. Antibiotic susceptibility for different sensitivity and resistance patterns was analyzed. Demographics, clinical profile, and socioeconomic history was also documented. Results: Culture was positive in 233/455 (51.2%) patients. Pure bacterial growth was present in 83 (35.62%) patients and pure fungus was present in 146 (62.66%) patients. The most common bacterial cause of infectious keratitis was Pseudomonas followed by Staphylococcus and Bacillus. Pseudomonas showed 65%–75% resistance against levofloxacin, ceftazidime, imipenem, gentamycin, ciprofloxacin, and amikacin. Staphylococcus showed 65%–70% resistance against levofloxacin, erythromycin, and ciprofloxacin, with Streptococcus being 100% resistant to erythromycin. Conclusion: This study highlights the current trend of microbiological profiles of infectious keratitis and their antibiotic susceptibility at a rural setup in central India. Fungal predominance and increased resistance against the commonly used antibiotics were noted.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222023


Background: Skin diseases occur in all age groups in developed and developing countries. Various types of skin diseases are found worldwide and depend on factors like environment, surrounding ecology, dietary habits, socioeconomic status, mental health, and literacy. Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) improves after treatment or cure of the diseases. Objectives: To estimate the pattern of skin disease. To find out the quality of life and association of skin disease with sociodemographic factors among patients. Methods: This observational cross-sectional study was done in skin OPD at the tertiary care center, Banda district of Uttar Pradesh, India from May 2022 to July 2022. All patients who attended to skin OPD during study period were included in the study after taking informed verbal consent. Results: Skin diseases had further divided in subcategories which were infectious conditions, pigmentary disorders, inflammatory dermatoses, miscellaneous skin conditions, benign tumor and other lesions with their percentage 44.8, 10.5, 28.6, 7.1, 2.9 and 6.2%, respectively in this study Classes of DQLI where major portion of patients (49.52%) were in ‘Small effect on patient’s life’ category. The relation of age, religion, education and member of household with history of skin disease were found to be highly statistically significant. Conclusion: Infectious skin diseases were found more common in study area. Male populations were more commonly affected. Skin diseases were more common in age group of 18–60 years. Study participants showed no predominant effect on quality of life. But small effect class had major effect on participant’s quality of life.

Bol. venez. infectol ; 34(1): 15-25, ene-jun 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512774


Introducción: La infección transmitida por transfusión (ITT) es producto de la inoculación directa de un agente infeccioso específico desde la unidad de sangre al huésped susceptible. Los marcadores serológicos positivos responden a características epidemiológicas no detectadas en miembros de la población aparentemente saludable. Objetivo general: Determinar la prevalencia de marcadores infecciosos y las características sociodemográficas en unidades sanguíneas procesadas de donantes que asisten al banco de sangre del Complejo Hospitalario Universitario "Ruíz y Páez" de Ciudad Bolívar - Estado Bolívar, período junio 2019 - junio 2022. Metodología: Se trató de un estudio de tipo descriptivo, retrospectivo, no experimental. El universo estuvo conformado por 13 016 unidades sanguíneas, 414 muestras fueron reactivas, que reportaron un total de 434 serologías positivas. Resultados: Se apreció una prevalencia global de 3,34 % para cualquier ITT; el marcador infeccioso más frecuente fue sífilis con el 60,83 % y una prevalencia de 2,03 %. Tomando en cuenta las características sociodemográficas predominantes: género masculino, 65,94 %; grupo etario 38-47 años, 28,74 %; ocupación obrera, 24,88 %; provenientes de Ciudad Bolívar, 84,06 %. Las muestras con coinfección representaron un 4,58 %, siendo la combinación VIH+Sífilis la más frecuente 1,45 %. El año 2021 destacó con 35,25 % serologías positivas. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de marcadores infecciosos se considera no despreciable. Se debe reforzar la prevención y cura de las enfermedades infecciosas trasmisibles en miembros de la población aparentemente saludable, así como también redirigir las estrategias en el manejo de seguridad transfusional.

Introduction: Transfusion-transmitted infection (ITT) is the direct inoculation of a specific infectious agent from the blood unit to the susceptible host. Positive serological markers respond to epidemiological characteristics not detected in members of the apparently healthy population. General objective: Determine the prevalence of infection markers and sociodemographic characteristics in processed blood units of donors attending the blood bank of the "Ruíz y Páez" University Hospital Complex in Ciudad Bolívar - Bolivar State, period June 2019 - June 2022. Methodology: This was a descriptive, retrospective, nonexperimental study. The universe consisted of 13 016 blood units, 414 samples were reactive, which reported a total of 434 positive serologies. Results: An overall prevalence of 3.34 % was found for any ITT; the most frequent infection markers were syphilis with 60.83% and a prevalence of 2.03 %. Taking into account the predominant sociodemographic characteristics: male gender, 65.94 %; age group 38-47 years, 28.74 %; labor occupation, 24.88 %; from Ciudad Bolivar, 84.06 %. The samples with coinfection represented 4.58 %, being the combination HIV+Syphilis the most frequent 1.45 %. Year 2021 stood out with 35.25 % positive serologies. Conclusions: The prevalence of infection markers is considered not negligible. The prevention and cure of communicable infectious diseases in members of the apparently healthy population should be strengthened, as well as redirecting strategies in transfusion safety management.

Bol. venez. infectol ; 34(1): 39-47, ene-jun 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512776


El conocimiento y aplicación de las medidas de bioseguridad, en sus diferentes niveles, son de capital importancia en el ejercicio de las distintas profesiones relacionadas con atención en salud, y en la formación médica del trabajador sanitario resultan imprescindibles, para evitar la aparición de enfermedades infecciosas adquiribles durante el ejercicio profesional. Se revisaron las publicaciones y reglamentaciones acerca del tema, de manera general, y en el contexto de la realidad venezolana, se realizó la inspección del contenido en educación médica de los programas de las Facultades de Ciencias de la Salud de las Universidades venezolanas en relación con la oferta de conocimientos sobre los diferentes niveles de bioseguridad, medidas preventivas, uso de equipo de protección; habilidades y destrezas relacionadas con el tema, con base en la oferta y presencia de la asignatura Bioseguridad en los diseños curriculares de las diferentes Universidades.

The knowledge and application of biosafety measures, at their different levels, are of capital importance in the exercise of the different professions related to health care, and in the medical training of the health worker they are essential, to avoid the appearance of infectious diseases that can be acquirable during professional practice. The publications and regulations on the subject were reviewed, in a general way, and in the context of the Venezuelan reality, we performed an inspection of the content in medical education of the programs of the Faculties of Health Sciences of the Venezuelan Universities in relation to the offer of knowledge about the different levels of biosafety, preventive measures, use of protective equipment; abilities and skills related to the subject, based on the offer and presence of the Biosafety topic in the curricular designs of the different Universities

Rev. Inst. Med. Trop ; 18(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449248


La toxoplasmosis es una zoonosis causada por el protozoarioToxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), de gran impacto en la salud fetal cuando se adquiere durante el embarazo, debido al riesgo de transmisión vertical. Puede producir manifestaciones clínicas en los recién nacidos: coriorretinitis, hidrocefalia, calcificaciones y retardo psicomotor. La detección precoz y la instauración de una terapéutica adecuada son claves para evitar complicaciones asociadas a la transmisión materno fetal. Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas de gestantes con diagnóstico de toxoplasmosis y de los recién nacidos de éstas, durante los años 2018 al 2021 que acudieron al Servicio de Infectología del Instituto de Previsión Social (IPS). Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte trasversal, utilizando un registro de datos de pacientes gestantes que acudieron al IPS durante los años 2018 al 2021. Resultados: Se incluyeron 62 gestantes; mediana de edad de 30 años, (21-44 años); 4 (6%) gestantes, realizaron su primera consulta en el primer trimestre, 39 (63%) en el segundo y 19 (31%) en el tercer trimestre. 9 (15%) pacientes fueron clasificadas como seroconversión, y 53 (85%) con sospecha de infección aguda. 55 pacientes fueron sometidas a amniocentesis; 26 (47%) tuvieron resultado de PCR detectable para Toxoplasma gondii en liquido amniótico, y 29 (53%) no detectable. Sólo 19 recién nacidos contaban con serologías para diagnóstico de toxoplasmosis congénita. Entre las complicaciones fetales se encontraron macrocefalia, e ictericia del RN.

Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), with a great impact on fetal health when acquired during pregnancy, due to the risk of vertical transmission. It can produce clinical manifestations in newborns: chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, calcifications and psychomotor retardation. Early detection and the establishment of adequate therapy are key to avoiding complications associated with fetal-maternal transmission. Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics of pregnant women diagnosed with toxoplasmosis and their newborns, during the years 2018 to 2021 who attended the Infectious Diseases Service of the Social Welfare Institute (IPS). Materials and methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study, using a data registry of pregnant patients who attended the IPS during the years 2018 to 2021. Results: 62 pregnant women were included; median age 30 years, (21-44 years); 4 (6%) pregnant women had their first consultation in the first trimester, 39 (63%) in the second and 19 (31%) in the third trimester. 9 (15%) patients were classified as having seroconversion, and 53 (85%) with suspected acute infection. 55 patients underwent amniocentesis; 26 (47%) had detectable PCR results for Toxoplasma gondii in amniotic fluid, and 29 (53%) undetectable. Only 19 newborns had serology tests for the diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis. Among the fetal complications were macrocephaly, and newborn jaundice.

Rev. Inst. Med. Trop ; 18(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449250


Introducción: La osteomielitis aguda es una infección del hueso que afecta principalmente a los niños y tiene generalmente diseminación hematógena, a veces asociada a un trauma. En la etiología influyen factores, como la edad, el estado inmunológico y las enfermedades concomitantes. En la mayoría de los casos, el principal agente etiológico es Staphylococcus aureus. Es importante el diagnóstico oportuno para evitar secuelas a mediano o largo plazo. Objetivo: Describir las características epidemiológicas de un grupo de pacientes con osteomielitis aguda. Métodos: Se realizó la revisión retrospectiva de los expedientes clínicos de pacientes egresados del servicio de pediatría del Instituto de Medicina Tropical, entre enero de 2016 y diciembre de 2020, con diagnóstico de osteomielitis aguda. Resultados: Los varones con osteomielitis corresponden al 67,8% del total de 59 casos registrados, en cuanto a los signos y síntomas, el dolor, la tumefacción y la impotencia funcional fueron predominantes, la fiebre se documentó en 49 (83,1%) pacientes, se registró antecedentes de cirugía en 37 (62,7%) de los pacientes y complicaciones en 42 (71,2%) de los pacientes, la complicación más frecuente fue osteomielitis crónica El sitio anatómico más frecuente fueron los miembros inferiores. El tratamiento empírico fue realizado con cefalosporinas de 3G en 72,9% de los pacientes, ya sea solo o combinado con clindamicina o vancomicina, un paciente con aislamiento de M. tuberculosis recibió tratamiento HRZE. Se aisló algún germen 44 pacientes (74,5%), el microorganismo predominante fue Staphylococcus aureus en 81,8 %, la mitad (52,3%) correspondieron a SAMR Se encontró una alta resistencia a oxacilina del 55,8% y un solo paciente resistente a clindamicina (2,2%). Conclusión Los hallazgos fueron similares a los reportados en la literatura en cuanto a etiología, sitio anatómico afectado y cobertura antibiótica.

Introduction: Acute osteomyelitis is a bone infection that mainly affects children and generally has hematogenous spread, sometimes associated with trauma. The etiology is influenced by factors such as age, immune status, and comorbidities. In most cases, the main etiologic agent is Staphylococcus aureus. Timely diagnosis is important to avoid sequelae in the medium or long term. Objective: To describe the epidemiological characteristics of a group of patients with acute osteomyelitis. Methods: A retrospective review of the clinical records of patients discharged from the pediatric service of the Institute of Tropical Medicine was carried out between January 2016 and December 2020, with a diagnosis of acute osteomyelitis. Results: Men with osteomyelitis correspond to 67.8% of the total of 59 registered cases, in terms of signs and symptoms, pain, swelling and functional impotence were predominant, fever was documented in 49 (83.1%) patients, a history of surgery was recorded in 37 (62.7%) of the patients and complications in 42 (71.2%) of the patients, the most frequent complication was chronic osteomyelitis The most frequent anatomical site was the lower limbs. Empirical treatment was performed with 3G cephalosporins in 72.9% of the patients, either alone or in combination with clindamycin or vancomycin. One patient with M. tuberculosis isolation received HRZE treatment. Some germ was isolated in 44 patients (74.5%), the predominant microorganism was Staphylococcus aureus in 81.8%, half (52.3%) corresponded to MRSA. A high resistance to oxacillin of 55.8% and a only patient resistant to clindamycin (2.2%). Conclusion The findings were similar to those reported in the literature in terms of etiology, affected anatomical site, and antibiotic coverage.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530346


Objetivo : Determinar los efectos de la infección Covid-19 asintomática, leve y moderada en el primer y segundo trimestres en los resultados del embarazo. Métodos : El estudio se realizó en las gestantes que acudieron al Departamento de Perinatología de la Universidad de Ciencias de la Salud de Izmir entre octubre de 2021 y julio de 2022. Se registraron las mujeres embarazadas que presentaban infección asintomática, leve y moderada por Covid-19 en el 1º y 2º trimestre y se siguió el desarrollo de la gestación. Resultados : Un total de 437 pacientes participaron en el estudio. El número de pacientes asintomáticos, leves y moderados de Covid-19 fue de 142, 157 y 138, respectivamente. Cada grupo se analizó como subgrupo del 1º y 2º trimestre según el momento de la infección por Covid-19. La edad media de las pacientes con Covid-19 moderado era superior a la de las pacientes con Covid-19 leve/asintomático (p=0,021). Se observó que el índice de masa corporal era mayor en las pacientes con Covid-19 moderado que en las pacientes con infección leve/asintomática (p=0,048). El parto pretérmino (entre las semanas 34 y 37) fue significativamente mayor en los casos con infección moderada por Covid-19 (p=0,041). Este aumento ocurrió principalmente en pacientes con infección por Covid-19 en el 2º trimestre. No hubo modificaciones significativas en las tasas de cesárea, trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo, pérdida fetal, retraso del crecimiento intrauterino, colestasis del embarazo y diabetes gestacional. Conclusiones : Los efectos de la infección por Covid-19 al inicio del embarazo (1º y 2º trimestres) siguen siendo objeto de investigación. La infección moderada por Covid-19, especialmente en el 2º trimestre, puede provocar un aumento de la tasa de partos prematuros.

Objectives: To evaluate the effects of asymptomatic, mild and moderate Covid-19 infection in the 1st and 2nd trimesters on pregnancy outcomes. Material and methods: The study was performed among patients who applied to the Perinatology Department of Izmir University of Health Sciences, between October 2021 and July 2022. Pregnant women who had asymptomatic, mild and moderate Covid-19 infection in the 1st and 2nd trimesters were registered and their pregnancy processes were followed. Results: A total of 437 patients participated in the study. The numbers of asymptomatic, mild and moderate Covid-19 patients were 142, 157 and 138, respectively. Each group was analyzed as 1st and 2nd trimester subgroups according to the time of Covid-19 infection. The mean age of patients with moderate Covid-19 was higher than with mild/asymptomatic Covid-19 (p=0.021). Body mass index was found to be higher in patients with moderate Covid-19 compared to patients with mild/asymptomatic infection (p=0.048). Preterm labor (between 34th and 37th weeks) was significantly higher with moderate Covid-19 infection (p=0.041). This significant increase was mainly due to the preterm birth rate in patients with previous Covid-19 infection in the 2nd trimester. There was no significant change in the rates of cesarean section, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, fetal loss, intrauterine growth restriction, cholestasis of pregnancy and gestational diabetes. Conclusions: The effects of Covid-19 infection in early pregnancy (1st and 2nd trimester) are still the subject of research. Moderate Covid-19 infection, especially in the 2nd trimester, may lead to an increase in the rate of preterm birth.